The Costs & Benefits for Restaurants Working with a Linen Service

We get it, linen services can be costly in the restaurant business. When you are spending money on ingredients, focusing on the upkeep of the establishment, and converting first-time customers to repeats, why add on an outsourced service to the bottom line? The benefits of getting your tablecloths, napkins, and chefwear through Spin Linen outweigh costs any day.

As the restaurant business goes back to normal, we expect there will be a post-COVID boom with the following items that impact your bottom line:

  • Increased Demand: full capacity & guests returning to your establishment mean you'll need more linens.
  • Increased Costs: as guest counts increase and usage of linens increase, your costs will too.
  • Sanitization & hygiene are critical: linens and restaurant laundry items must be washed, sanitized, and handled to eliminate any contamination for your staff and your guests.

Let Us Handle Your Restaurant Linen Program

Managing all of these factors that go into in-house laundry, on top of managing a restaurant amidst the post-COVID era, adds a lot more to your plate. With our restaurant Linen Management program, we take things off of your plate so you can focus on your staff and service. Since customers are steering the ship, you can choose how much linen you need and adjust accordingly, which helps mitigate the rising costs of most linen services as well as the rising energy costs of laundry.

Is Your Linen Provider Adding Value or Just an Expense?

If your restaurant is already working with a linen provider, then you should have a strong sense of partnership, support, and efficiency. At Spin Linen, not only do we showcase those characteristics, but our benefits show that we pride ourselves on integrity, great service, and innovation.

  • Are they properly managing linen inventory as your capacity changes?
  • Is invoicing accurate and timely?
  • Do they present new linen products or solutions to help your restaurant's operation or guest impressions?

The Benefits of Using Spin Linen

Spin Linen has been family-owned and locally operated since 1932. When compared to other local or national competitors, the benefits of working with a family-owned and locally-operated linen service like Spin Linen will help your business thrive:

  • Our Spin Representatives form personal relationships with, and cater directly towards your needs.
  • We accurately monitor and maintain linen inventory to keep your costs in check.
  • We provide an online portal for customers to view and monitor their accounts.

By going with the right linen company, you will not have to worry about the service you will receive. Want to learn more about our approach here at Spin Linen? Reach out to us today.